Our Values

Women Leadership
Believing in the power of women to lead transformative change.

Community Empowerment
Upholding the power and agency of local communities, particularly those most impacted by climate change and social injustice.

Valuing adaptability and the capacity to thrive in a changing world.

Recognizing the strength of partnerships and collective action to address the global climate crisis and gender inequality

Our Approach

Empowering Women Leaders as Drivers of Global Change
Women are the heart of our communities, driving local economies and nurturing human well-being. Long marginalized from dominant systems, women possess the knowledge and social capital to lead transformative change. Recognizing their vital role as stewards of our planet, we prioritize and partner with women-centered organizations to build a more equitable and just world.

Uplifting Local Leaders and Community Champions and Their Programs
We prioritize organizations deeply rooted in their communities. We support local leaders and initiatives tailored to the unique needs and conditions of their communities, considering factors like geography, resources, culture, and economics. We value a deep understanding of the local ecosystem, including power dynamics and opportunities for systemic change. We seek to amplify the impact of community-led solutions that address local needs and contribute to broader social and environmental transformation.

Seeking Ideas with Growth Potential and Impact Beyond their Immediate Scope
We seek solutions that can be adapted and replicated in diverse contexts to help more people. We recognize that growth is not always linear and that "scaling" is not always the primary goal. We emphasize the importance of learning and iteration, with a focus on how locally-developed solutions can unlock broader systemic change.

Collaborating with Others to Fund and Amplify Impact
We partner with other funders, foundations, and organizations, so we can amplify our collective impact and achieve greater systemic change. Through collaborative funding initiatives, we can pool resources, share knowledge and expertise, and leverage diverse perspectives to address complex challenges more effectively. By working together, we can identify and support high-impact solutions, reduce duplication of efforts, and create a more sustainable and equitable future for all